GenAI or Legacy?


Genai or Legacy?

GenAI or Legacy? In September, a major court battle erupted in the world of AI between OpenAI and well-known authors such as George R.R. Martin and John Grisham. They are disputing OpenAI’s claims that its models, such as ChatGPT, were trained on their copyrighted works without permission.

What it’s about?
The authors claim that their works have been used without consent, which could affect their rights. On the other hand, OpenAI argues that its use falls under “fair use” because it aims to create transformative AI technologies rather than copy existing content.

Why it matters?
The outcome of these lawsuits could affect how AI is developed and how its creators are compensated. This is a critical time to strike the right balance between encouraging innovation and protecting creative rights.

We at UncovAI are closely monitoring the situation and working on solutions to ensure transparency in the digital space. That’s why using UncovAI to authenticate the origin of content is crucial to overcoming these legal challenges.

What do you think? GenAI or Legacy?